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#8B9B83 Sage Green
#E2725B Terracotta
#C9A688 Sandstone
#7B745C Mossy Brown
#E8D7A2 Wheat

earthy colors for natural products

Palette Description

1. Sage Green - 
                         - A calming and organic green shade resembling the color of sage leaves.
2. Terracotta - 
                         - A warm reddish-brown color often found in clay pots and natural earthen materials.
3. Sandstone - 
                         - A light beige with hints of gray, resembling the color of sandstone rocks.
4. Mossy Brown - 
                         - A rich brown hue with earthy undertones, reminiscent of moss-covered tree trunks.
5. Wheat - 
                         - A soft yellow-brown color inspired by fields of ripe wheat.