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#FFFFF0 Ivory
#F8F8FF Ghost White
#FFFAF0 Floral White
#FAEBD7 Antique White

White shades

Palette Description

< White Shades >

  1. Snow - #FFFAFA - A very light shade of white with a hint of coolness, reminiscent of fresh snow.
  2. Ivory - #FFFFF0 - A warm off-white with a subtle yellow undertone, giving it a creamy appearance.
  3. Ghost White - #F8F8FF - A very pale shade that leans towards blue, creating a soft, ethereal feel.
  4. Floral White - #FFFAF0 - A warm, soft white with a touch of peach, perfect for a gentle, inviting atmosphere.
  5. Antique White - #FAEBD7 - A soft, warm white with a hint of beige, evoking a vintage charm.

This color palette features various shades of white, ranging from cool to warm tones, suitable for creating a serene and elegant design. The hues can be used to convey purity, simplicity, and sophistication.

What type of project are you considering using this palette for?