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#4285F4 Blue
#DB4437 Red
#F4B400 Yellow
#0F9D58 Green
#AB47BC Purple
#F09300 Orange
#00ACC1 Teal
#E91E63 Pink
#795548 Brown
#3949AB Denim
#00BBD3 Cyan
#C0CA33 Lime

Colour pallete for Google calendar

Palette Description

Color Palette for Google Calendar:

1. Blue  - 
                         - Represents primary actions and events
2. Red - 
                         - Indicates important and urgent events
3. Yellow - 
                         - Signifies reminders and highlighted events
4. Green - 
                         - Represents success and completion
5. Purple - 
                         - Indicates personal and family events
6. Orange - 
                         - Represents work-related events
7. Teal - 
                         - Signifies travel and leisure events
8. Pink - 
                         - Represents health and fitness events
9. Brown - 
                         - Indicates shopping and errands
10. Indigo - 
                         - Represents finance and bills
11. Cyan - 
                         - Signifies education and learning events
12. Lime - 
                         - Represents hobbies and other events

Description: The color palette for Google Calendar includes 12 vibrant and distinct colors, each representing different types of events and actions. These colors are designed to help users easily categorize and identify various events, making it convenient to manage and organize their schedules.