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#F6C700 Lisa Yellow
#FF7F29 Bright Orange
#003DA5 Deep Blue
#FFB2C1 Soft Pink
#A8DAB5 Light Green

Lisa Simpson

Palette Description

 <Lisa Simpson Inspired>
1. Lisa Yellow - 
                         - A bright, cheerful yellow reminiscent of Lisa's iconic skin tone.
2. Bright Orange - 
                         - A vibrant orange that reflects Lisa's energetic personality and her dress.
3. Deep Blue - 
                         - A rich blue that symbolizes her strong and intelligent nature, also reminiscent of her shoes.
4. Soft Pink - 
                         - A gentle pink that reflects her femininity and playful spirit.
5. Light Green - 
                         - A soft green that represents growth and creativity, capturing Lisa's love for nature and music.

This color palette is inspired by Lisa Simpson, reflecting her vibrant personality and iconic look. The colors are bright and lively, embodying her energy, intelligence, and creativity.

Do you have a specific project in mind for this color palette, or would you like to explore other themes?