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#0F0F0F Onyx Black
#5F5F5F Steel Gray
#FF2400 Fiery Orange
#FFFFFF Bright White

Onyx Black (#0F0F0F), Steel Gray (#5F5F5F), Fiery Orange (#FF2400), Bright White (#FFFFFF)

Palette Description

Color Palette:
1. Onyx Black (
                        ) - 
2. Steel Gray (
                        ) - 
3. Fiery Orange (
                        ) - 
4. Bright White (
                        ) - 

Palette Description:
This color palette features a mix of dark and vibrant colors. The deep Onyx Black and Steel Gray create a sophisticated and modern base, while the Fiery Orange adds a bold pop of color. The Bright White serves as a clean and crisp accent to balance the palette.