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#7D7F7D Concrete Grey
#4682B4 Steel Blue
#B22222 Brick Red
#2F4F4F Slate Black
#228B22 Meadow Green


Palette Description

 <Architect Palette>
1. Concrete Grey - 
                         - A neutral grey reminiscent of concrete structures, providing a modern and industrial feel.
2. Steel Blue - 
                         - A cool blue that reflects the strength and reliability of steel, perfect for architectural themes.
3. Brick Red - 
                         - A warm, earthy red that evokes the classic materials used in construction, adding warmth to the palette.
4. Slate Black - 
                         - A deep blackish-grey that conveys sophistication and elegance, suitable for a professional look.
5. Meadow Green - 
                         - A fresh green that represents sustainability and nature, ideal for eco-friendly architectural designs.

This color palette embodies the essence of architecture, combining industrial tones with earthy elements to create a balanced and modern aesthetic.

What specific project or application do you have in mind for this color palette?