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#353839 Onyx
#343434 Jet
#4B4B4D Charcoal
#1D1F21 Raven
#2A2A2A Coal


Palette Description

 <Black Elegance>
1. Onyx - 
                         - A deep, rich black with subtle undertones of grey.
2. Jet - 
                         - A pure, dark black that provides a classic and timeless feel.
3. Charcoal - 
                         - A softer black with hints of gray, perfect for providing contrast without being stark.
4. Raven - 
                         - An inky black that carries a slight warmth with deep blue undertones.
5. Coal - 
                         - A muted black with a touch of softness, ideal for backgrounds and text.

This color palette embodies sophistication, depth, and elegance, focusing on various shades of black that can be used effectively in design for a luxurious and modern aesthetic.

What specific project or application do you have in mind for this color palette? Would you like to explore variations or complementary colors?