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#000000 Black
#003366 Dark Blue
#3A5D9C Light Blue
#CE9B00 Gold

1. Black - #000000 2. Dark Blue - #003366 3. Light Blue - #3A5D9C 4. White - #FFFFFF 5. Gold -CE9B00

Palette Description

 <Cool Elegance> 
1. Black - 
                         - A deep, rich black that conveys sophistication and luxury. 
2. Dark Blue - 
                         - A dark, calming blue that evokes a sense of trust and professionalism. 
3. Light Blue - 
                         - A soft, serene blue that adds a touch of freshness and modernity. 
4. White - 
                         - A pure and clean white that represents simplicity and clarity. 
5. Gold - 
                         - A warm, radiant gold that brings a hint of opulence and prestige. 

This color palette, “Cool Elegance,” combines deep and rich tones with a touch of brightness, creating a sophisticated and modern aesthetic that is ideal for brands aiming for a luxurious and trustworthy impression.

Would you like to explore different themes or variations of this palette? Or perhaps you have a specific application in mind for these colors?