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#003366 Deep Blue
#CCCCCC Soft Gray
#4CAF50 Vibrant Green
#FF9800 Bright Orange
#FFFFFF Clean White

-- Enable dynamic partitioning SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition = true; SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict; -- Create a partitioned and bucketed table CREATE TABLE employee ( id INT, name STRING, age INT, salary FLOAT ) PARTITIONED BY (city STRING) CLUSTERED BY (id) INTO 4 BUCKETS ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','; -- Insert data into the partitioned and bucketed table INSERT INTO TABLE employee PARTITION (city) VALUES (1, 'Alice', 30, 70000.0, 'New York'), (2, 'Bob', 25, 60000.0, 'Los Angeles'), (3, 'Charlie', 35, 80000.0, 'Chicago'), (4, 'David', 28, 65000.0, 'Houston'), (5, 'Eve', 32, 72000.0, 'Phoenix'), (6, 'Frank', 29, 68000.0, 'Philadelphia');

Palette Description

Based on your query regarding dynamic partitioning in Hive and the employee data structure, I will create a color palette that reflects organization, professionalism, and clarity, suitable for a data-focused application.

 <Employee Data Management>
1. Deep Blue - 
                         - Represents professionalism and trust, ideal for corporate environments.
2. Soft Gray - 
                         - Offers a neutral balance, enhancing readability and reducing strain.
3. Vibrant Green - 
                         - Indicates growth and data accuracy, symbolizing success and progress.
4. Bright Orange - 
                         - Adds a touch of energy and creativity, making the interface engaging.
5. Clean White - 
                         - Ensures clarity and cleanliness, providing a fresh background for content display.

This color palette is designed to be professional yet approachable, making it suitable for applications that involve data management and analysis.

Would you like to explore specific shades or styles, or do you have any particular themes or branding guidelines in mind for your project?