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#FFD700 Mayan Gold
#007EA7 Cenote Blue
#8DB600 Sisal Green
#FF6F61 Coral Pink
#AB274F Chichen Itza Red
#7B68EE Pueblo Purple
#F8F8FF Merida White
#FFB347 Yucatecan Sunset

color palette for a book based on the yucatan mexico

Palette Description

Color Palette for a Book Based on Yucatan, Mexico:

1. Color Name: Mayan Gold
   Hex Code: 
   Description: Represents the golden sands of Yucatan beaches and the rich history of the Mayan civilization.

2. Color Name: Cenote Blue
   Hex Code: 
   Description: Inspired by the crystal-clear waters of the cenotes found in Yucatan, offering a sense of tranquility and depth.

3. Color Name: Sisal Green
   Hex Code: 
   Description: Reflects the lush greenery of the Yucatan Peninsula, from the jungle vegetation to the vibrant plant life.

4. Color Name: Coral Pink
   Hex Code: 
   Description: Evokes the vibrant coral reefs found off the coast of Yucatan, adding a pop of color and energy to the palette.

5. Color Name: Chichen Itza Red
   Hex Code: 
   Description: Pays homage to the iconic red limestone structures of the Chichen Itza archaeological site, symbolizing strength and history.

6. Color Name: Pueblo Purple
   Hex Code: 
   Description: Represents the traditional pueblo houses found throughout Yucatan, adding a touch of warmth and cultural significance.

7. Color Name: Merida White
   Hex Code: 
   Description: Resembles the colonial architecture and pristine facades of buildings in the city of Merida, offering a sense of elegance and purity.

8. Color Name: Yucatecan Sunset
   Hex Code: 
   Description: Captures the warm hues of a Yucatecan sunset, blending shades of orange and pink for a mesmerizing and captivating effect.