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#7D3C98 Deep Purple
#B57EDC Lavender
#6C3365 Plum
#AE7193 Mauve
#9458B8 Violet
#9966CC Amethyst

color palette with deep purple as the primary

Palette Description

Color Palette:
1. Color Name: Deep Purple
Hex Code: #7D3C98
Description: Rich and luxurious shade of purple, evoking a sense of mystery and sophistication.
2. Color Name: Lavender
Hex Code: #B57EDC
Description: Soft and delicate shade of purple, providing a calming and serene atmosphere.
3. Color Name: Plum
Hex Code: #6C3365
Description: Deep and regal shade of purple with a hint of warmth, adding depth to the palette.
4. Color Name: Mauve
Hex Code: #AE7193
Description: Subtle and elegant shade of purple with a touch of grey, bringing a sophisticated touch to the palette.
5. Color Name: Violet
Hex Code: #9458B8
Description: Bright and vibrant shade of purple, adding a pop of color and energy to the palette.
6. Color Name: Amethyst
Hex Code: #9966CC
Description: Radiant and mystical shade of purple, symbolizing creativity and spiritual awareness.