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#FFCC80 Light Orange
#FF9800 Medium Orange
#E65100 Dark Orange
#FF5722 Coral Orange
#BF360C Burnt Orange

shades of orange

Palette Description

 <Shades of Orange>
1. Light Orange - 
                         - A soft and warm shade of orange that evokes feelings of cheerfulness and positivity.
2. Medium Orange - 
                         - A vibrant and energetic hue, perfect for attention-grabbing designs.
3. Dark Orange - 
                         - A rich and deep orange that adds a sense of warmth and depth to any palette.
4. Coral Orange - 
                         - A lively and bold orange with a hint of red, ideal for dynamic and playful designs.
5. Burnt Orange - 
                         - A dark, earthy tone that brings warmth and sophistication, great for a more vintage feel.

This color palette consists of various shades of orange that range from light and cheerful to dark and earthy, making it versatile for different design contexts.

Would you like to see variations with complementary colors or a specific context for which you want to use this palette?