Huehive Logo


#FF0000 Red
#007FFF Azure
#4CB5F5 Glitter Lake
#333333 Carbon
#000000 Black

color palette for tech brand including red and blue

Palette Description

Color Palette:
1. Red: 
                         - Represents passion and energy.
2. Blue: 
                         - Symbolizes trust and professionalism.
3. Light Blue: 
                         - Evokes a sense of innovation and creativity.
4. Dark Gray: 
                         - Adds a modern and sophisticated touch.
5. White: 
                         - Signifies purity and simplicity.
6. Black: 
                         - Provides a timeless and classic element to the palette.

Palette Description: This color palette for a tech brand incorporates vibrant red and calming blue tones, balanced with light blue for innovation, dark gray for sophistication, white for simplicity, and black for a classic touch. The combination exudes a sense of energy, trust, creativity, and professionalism.