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#7B4B3A Cocoa
#7B3F00 Chestnut
#D2B48C Sandy Brown
#D1855B Tawny
#B65C4B Chestnut Rose

warm brown

Palette Description

 <Warm Brown Palette>
1. Cocoa - 
                         - A rich, dark brown reminiscent of chocolate.
2. Chestnut - 
                         - A warm, deep orange-brown that adds earthiness.
3. Sandy Brown - 
                         - A lighter, warm brown with a hint of gold.
4. Tawny - 
                         - A warm, medium brown with orange undertones.
5. Chestnut Rose - 
                         - A warm, reddish-brown that brings a touch of warmth.

This color palette features a range of warm brown tones that evoke feelings of comfort and earthiness. It can be suitable for designs aiming for a natural and inviting aesthetic.

What kind of project are you considering using this color palette for?