Huehive Logo


#d8a7a7 Dusty Rose
#d4aa0c Mustard Yellow
#a6b78c Sage Green
#b25c4d Rust Orange
#6e819b Vintage Blue
#e3d7b0 Creamy Beige

color palette for a vintage design and photography portfolio website, community and creative brand

Palette Description

Color Palette:
1. Color Name: Dusty Rose
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A soft and elegant pink tone reminiscent of vintage aesthetics.

2. Color Name: Mustard Yellow
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A warm and inviting yellow hue that adds a touch of nostalgia to the palette.

3. Color Name: Sage Green
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A muted green shade that exudes a sense of nature and tranquility, perfect for a creative brand.

4. Color Name: Rust Orange
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A rich and earthy orange tone that adds warmth and depth to the palette, ideal for a photography portfolio website.

5. Color Name: Vintage Blue
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A faded blue color inspired by vintage photography, creating a sense of nostalgia and sophistication.

6. Color Name: Creamy Beige
   Hex Code: 
   Description: A soft and neutral beige shade that provides a timeless and classic backdrop for the brand and community elements.