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#D50000 Red
#FFD700 Gold
#00A651 Jade Green
#FFEA00 Bright Yellow
#6A0DAD Deep Purple

90's Chinese New Year colour

Palette Description

<90's Chinese New Year Palette> 
1. Red - 
                         - A bold, vibrant red symbolizing good fortune and joy.
2. Gold - 
                         - A rich, metallic gold representing wealth and prosperity.
3. Jade Green - 
                         - A soothing green reminiscent of jade, symbolizing harmony and balance.
4. Bright Yellow - 
                         - A cheerful, sunny yellow representing happiness and positivity.
5. Deep Purple - 
                         - A luxurious purple signifying nobility and spirituality.

This color palette takes inspiration from the vibrant and festive atmosphere of Chinese New Year celebrations in the 90s, featuring traditional colors that convey prosperity, joy, and good luck.

Would you like to see how these colors can be applied in a UI design context, or do you have specific applications in mind for this palette?