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#A8E6CE Ethereal Green
#D5C6E0 Spectral Purple
#B2C7E0 Phantom Blue
#B0B3B8 Nebula Grey
#F7F7F7 Haunting White

sci-fic ghost colour

Palette Description

 <Sci-Fi Ghost>
1. Ethereal Green - 
                         - A soft, luminous green reminiscent of ghostly apparitions and otherworldly phenomena.
2. Spectral Purple - 
                         - A muted purple that evokes a sense of mystery and the supernatural, often associated with ghostly energies.
3. Phantom Blue - 
                         - A cool, pale blue that gives a feeling of tranquility and eeriness, suggesting an ethereal presence.
4. Nebula Grey - 
                         - A light grey with a hint of blue, representing the foggy, undefined boundaries of the ghostly realm.
5. Haunting White - 
                         - An almost translucent white that captures the essence of ghostly figures, providing a sense of purity and otherworldliness.

This color palette conveys a sense of the ethereal and supernatural, perfect for a sci-fi ghost theme, combining soft and muted colors that evoke mystery and the otherworldly.

What type of project are you planning to use this color palette for? Would you like additional suggestions or variations?