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#FF2400 Scarlet
#DC143C Crimson
#E0115F Ruby
#CE2029 Fire Engine Red
#FF1C00 Cherry


Palette Description

 < Red Vibes > 
1. Scarlet - 
                         - A bright, vibrant red that evokes passion and energy.
2. Crimson - 
                         - A rich, deep red that signifies love and intensity.
3. Ruby - 
                         - A bold, jewel-toned red that adds a touch of luxury.
4. Fire Engine Red - 
                         - A striking, attention-grabbing red ideal for alertness.
5. Cherry - 
                         - A fresh, lively red that brings happiness and playfulness.

This color palette, “Red Vibes,” showcases a range of red tones from bright and energetic to deep and luxurious, perfect for conveying passion, love, and excitement in design.

Do you have a specific application in mind for this color palette, or are there any particular shades you would like to explore further?