1. Name: Midnight Blue
Hex Code: #0b3954
Description: This deep blue hue is perfect for creating a moody and edgy atmosphere in your painting. Use it as a base color or for adding depth and contrast to your composition.
2. Name: Electric Purple
Hex Code: #bf00ff
Description: Add a pop of color to your painting with this vibrant shade of purple. It has a futuristic and edgy feel that will make your artwork stand out.
3. Name: Gunmetal Grey
Hex Code: #545454
Description: This dark and cool grey is perfect for creating a gritty and industrial look in your painting. It can be used for highlighting and shading or as a background color.
4. Name: Blood Red
Hex Code: #8b0000
Description: Nothing says edgy like a deep red hue. This shade is perfect for creating a dramatic and intense atmosphere in your painting.
5. Name: Acid Green
Hex Code: #b0c200
Description: This bright and bold green is perfect for adding a touch of neon to your painting. It has a futuristic and edgy feel that will make your artwork stand out.